1 #

in graduating Black students who go on to complete medical school

1 #

in graduating Black students in physical and biological sciences

3 #

in graduating Black students who go on to earn PhDs in science and engineering

4 #

in graduating Black students with Doctor of Pharmacy degrees

3 #

among all HBCUs in the US

4 #

among Southern regional universities for promoting social mobility

3 #

among Louisiana universities for post-graduation employment

3 #

among Catholic universities in the US

3 #

among all universities in Louisiana


  1. #1 in graduating Black students who go on to complete medical school:  Association of American Medical Colleges,  2019
  2. #1 in graduating Black students in physical and biological sciences:  College Consensus,  2019
  3. #3 in graduating Black students who go on to earn PhDs in science and engineering:  United Negro College Fund,  2019
  4. #3 in graduating Black students with Doctor of Pharmacy degrees:  The World University Rankings,  2020
  5. #3 among all HBCUs in the US:  US News & World Report,  2020
  6. #4 among Southern regional universities for promoting social mobility:  US News & World Report,  2020
  7. #1 among Louisiana universities for post-graduation employment:  Zippia,  2019
  8. #3 among Catholic universities in the US:  The Edvocate,  2019
  9. #3 among all universities in Louisiana:  College Consensus, 2019